Montoursville Area School District Kindergarten Registration

STEP 1: Please complete the 25-25 Online Registration
(You must use Google Chrome)
Registration can be completed on any computer with internet access. If you do not have access to a computer or have questions, please call one of the elementary school offices Lyter Elem. (570-368-2614), Loyalsock Valley Elem. (570-435-0446), or Diana McElwee at 570-368-2491 ext 6100 to schedule an appointment to begin the registration process.
**All children must be five years of age BEFORE September 1, 2025.**
STEP 2: Submit required copies of documentation to the school.
Document Drop Off Please drop off documents anytime at the school.
The following items are required documents and must be presented via email or in person prior to the start of school:
Birth Certificate
Immunization Records
TWO (2) proof of residency (valid driver’s license, utility statement, lease/rental agreement, tax bill and/or car registration)
Custody or Guardianship Agreement (if applicable)
STEP 3: Additional Forms that will need to be completed (see links below or copies can be provided to you by school office)