Loyalsock Township School District Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration 25-26
Children registering for kindergarten must turn five years old on or before August 31, of the school year in which they are enrolling.
The process for kindergarten begins January 15 and continues through March 31. (Please contact Susan Iachini if you are not able to register during this time.)
Please follow the steps below.
Parents should review the registration packet (attached here) or by going to the District Service Center to pick up a paper copy of the registration packet.
Kindergarten packets are available beginning January 15.
Office hours are 8 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday.
Please follow the step by step instructions for the online pre-registration process included in the packet.
The pre-registration process will ask you to acknowledge your review of the registration packet – parent documentation.
Parent pre-registers student online.
(Contact Susan Iachini at 570-326-6508 ext. 1001 if you have trouble with the online process.)
After pre-registration is completed, the parent receives a confirmation email from the system.
Within 72 hours the central registration office will contact you via email with an appointment invitation to present the required documents and forms.
REMEMBER: Students are not officially registered until the parent meets with the Central Registration Secretary to present the required documentation.